There is a common narrative around the use of advanced software technology, including artificial intelligence, that centers on its domination of jobs and elimination for the need for human capital. While some elements of this are valid, such as the World Economic Forum’s report that more than 85 million jobs would be displaced by machines, the impact needs to be understood in a larger context.
In general, artificial intelligence, robots, machines, and other advanced technologies are taking over some redundant and repetitive jobs. But, in turn, the innovation is creating new jobs alongside it. In fact, that same report from the World Economic Forum noted that more than 97 million new jobs would be created as a result of these machines. That means that more people are able to move upward and into different occupations, and in many cases, add more value to the work they’re doing.
Under a risk-assessment lens, artificial intelligence can be a great supplemental resource for many organizations. For one thing, computers are easily programmable and deliver consistent results. This means fewer discrepancies in products, routines, and systems. They can move faster, with more precision, and with fewer interruptions. Plus, machines can work for as long as needed (assuming all of the parts and pieces are there). There’s no need for the human elements of a position: breaks, rest, work/life balance, personal development, culture, and more.
By freeing up the lowest-level of duties, organizations can take better and more strategic advantage of the human intelligence they do have. Creative thinking, problem solving, human/customer relations, and marketing can all benefit by having more brain power once people are freed from the more mundane tasks.
On a more fundamental level, and perhaps a level that is already integrated in several ways at organizations across the nation, artificial intelligence can actually help organizations be more efficient at finding and hiring the right people. Building better job descriptions, performing job searches, cursory resume reviews, and skills assessments are all performed by AI, meaning an organization can more quickly find the candidates who best satisfy the workforce needs of a particular role or department.
Similarly, using AI for training, some onboarding tasks, and other straightforward and repeatable tasks enable individual employees to be available for the more human-centered tasks that involve emotional intelligence and high-functioning skills.
It should be clear that while AI can offer many streamlining advantages for organizations, it doesn’t go without risks. AI can malfunction and without a person to serve as a gatekeeper, errors and mistakes can continue in perpetuity. Data breaches, security leaks, and other information is always susceptible to hacks and other cyber risks.
Organizations must have a multi-faceted approach to growth, risk management, operations and more. Relying on AI can help find efficiencies while short-staffed, giving people the opportunity to bring their best to their roles every day.
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